Below is a guest post written by Gabby Vittoria and Lee Orlando, the winners of a trip to the GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles to meet Jennifer Lawrence. Check out their Hunger Games fansite, The Hob.
Who would've thought we'd spend a Saturday night with Jennifer Lawrence, former President Bill Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio, and countless other celebrities?! Not us!! But that is exactly what happened this past weekend when we won a contest to attend the GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles.
What drew us to the contest was the opportunity to meet Jennifer Lawrence, but once the show started we realized there was so much more to the evening.
From hearing Drew Barrymore's impassioned opening to Wilson Cruz' inspiring words filled with so much heart to hearing from those living in the LGBT community fighting for their rights every single day, we were floored to be a part of such an incredible event.
When it came time to head backstage to meet Jennifer Lawrence we had already experienced the most surreal night of our lives that we thought how could it get any better? The answer was in the form of seeing Jennifer come off stage after presenting an award to President Clinton. She was just as stunning as she appears on screen and somehow even more down to earth than you would expect. We were able to speak with Jennifer for a few minutes and shared what she means to all her fans, the reaction to her new hairdo(!) and of course had to sneak in a plug for our Hunger Games fansite, The Hob. Jennifer appreciated the sentiment and promised to visit our site! We then took a few photos, shook hands and said our goodbyes. That moment will forever be etched in our minds. Every moment of the night will be.
Thank you GLAAD for not only giving us a trip we will never forget, but for everything you do day in and day out. We hope the road to equality gets shorter ahead of us, but we plan on traveling that road with you until it ends.
Check out a video of Jennifer Lawrence and Harvey Weinstein presenting the Advocate for Change Award to President Bill Clinton: