This evening, Piers Morgan Tonight welcomes the five cast members of the newly number one daytime news show, ABC’s Good Morning America. Among them is anchor Josh Elliott, who was recently honored with the 2012 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding TV Journalism Segment.
Josh, whose father came out to him at the age of thirteen, won the award for his news report, ‘Battle Against Bullying,’ which appeared on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. Joining Josh will be fellow GMA co-hosts George Stephanopoulos, Robin Roberts, Sam Champion, and Lara Spencer during an interview that focuses on the unique stories and experiences that led them to surpass The Today Show in the ratings.
Catch Piers Morgan Tonight this evening at 9 p.m. on CNN. You can also follow Josh on Twitter. Check out a video of Josh accepting his GLAAD Media Award below.