This week NBC premiered the long awaited comedy series The New Normal. The show follows a gay couple trying to start a family with the help of a surrogate mother and has found itself being targeted by groups like One Million Moms, who responded as though this depiction of same-sex parents was something they’d never seen before, saying it symbolized “the decay of morals and values.”
But the truth is LGBT families have actually been on our television screens for nearly half a century, and dozens of other programs have helped pave the way for shows like The New Normal to find mainstream acceptance as you can see in the GLAAD chart below, which first appeared on
Be sure to also check out our profiles on some real-life “New Normal” families here. You can share your own story as part of a contest to win a vacation sponsored by NBC and the show.
Share your story and enter for a chance to win here.
Be sure to tune tonight for the series premiere of The New Normal and tomorrow night for the second episode in its regular Tuesday timeslot at 9:30pm.