In the week and a half following the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case, news outlets of all types have been flooded with commentary about the case and its broader implications. The verdict sparked and informed many different conversations, including some within the LGBT community. Don't know which to read? Here's a roundup of some of the commentary about the case.
- President Obama reacts to the verdict with a surprisingly personal speech (video and transcript at link).
- Autostraddle editor Riese offers an in-depth response to the President's remarks.
- A coalition of national LGBT organizations, including GLAAD, discussed the case through an open letter.
- The blog #blacklivesmatter has been putting forth responses of all kinds to the case.
- Tumblr blog We Are Not Trayvon Martin encourages people to submit stories of their own experiences with racism or privilege.
- On the Rainbow Hub, writer Vigs explores white queer privilege in the context of Trayvon Martin and CeCe McDonald.
- For Harriet examines Trayvon's case in the context of women's rights and human rights.
- Statistics collected by the Urban Institute examine racial bias in Stand Your Ground laws.
- An open letter/poem from Kokubo, a black trans woman, emphasizes the importance of solidarity and community in the wake of tragedy.
- ThinkProgress takes three Stand Your Ground cases (with races reversed), summarizes them, and analyzes them.
- PolicyMic discusses the similarities between the Zimmerman case and the imprisonment of CeCe McDonald.
- An action kit put together by Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ) has a number of helpful suggestions for people who want to fight for Trayvon's cause, either in the short or long term.
- The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement presents a report on black people executed without trial by law enforcers.
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