Are you wondering what's been happening since the Supreme Court decision on DOMA? We wrote a blog about it before, but the change has been happening so fast, we've compiled a roundup of some of the newer exciting steps toward equality being made across the US. If your state isn't listed here, visit Freedom to Marry's website to find information on your home state.
Oregon Says I Do, the petition committee dedicated to qualifying the freedom to marry initiative for the November 2014 ballot, will kick off the campaign’s signature gathering drive this Friday, July 26.
Click here to sign up to collect signatures!
Members of Michigan's House introduced a package of marriage equality bills that would amend the Michigan constitution to allow marriage equality. This aims to overturn a voter-approved ban of marriage equality from 2004.
A couple in Michigan is suing in order to challenge the current ban on marriage equality. State officials attempted to get the case dismissed, but a federal judge has ruled that the case will continue.
New Jersey
The newly organized “New Jersey United for Marriage” campaign will focus on overriding Gov. Chris Christie’s veto of a bill that passed last year.
Equality supporters will have to get support from three state senators and 12 assembly members and get enough votes to override the veto. Supporters are counting on legislators to reconsider because of the changed landscape as a result of the Supreme Court rulings on marriage equality.
New Mexico
Rep. Brian Egolf of Santa Fe is an attorney representing a same-sex couple wanting to get married. He is going to the Supreme Court of New Mexico to make marriage equality a reality, and has stated that he is offering his services free of charge.
Egolf is filing a petition with the New Mexico Supreme Court on the grounds that the state is in violation of the Equal Rights Amendment of New Mexico and that marriage for same-sex couples is already is legal in New Mexico, but that the Supreme Court should clarify this point so county clerks can issue licenses without fear of being sued by groups who say marriage is between a man and a woman.
The Attorney General of New Mexico has also announced that he will not argue against marriage equality because he believes that not allowing same-sex couples to marry is unconstitutional.
You may have seen a recent story about an Ohio, one of whom is terminally ill, flew a chartered plane from Ohio to Maryland to be legally married. Well, an Ohio judge ruled that Ohio must recognize the marriage of the couple, citing the Supreme Court Rulings on the so-called 'Defense of Marriage Act' for his decision.
Click here to see what progress is being made in Ohio!
Two lawsuits challenging the ban on same-sex marriage in Arkansas were filed in the past week. Both cases contend Arkansas' ban on marriage equality violates the equal protection and due process provisions of the U.S. Constitution.
Members of Arkansas for Equality presented a petition to the Arkansas Attorney General that begins the process of putting Amendment 83 to the Arkansas Constitution up for a popular vote.
Even though same-sex marriages and civil unions are not recognized by the state of Pennsylvania, Montgomery County has begun issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples starting Wednesday morning. The decision to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples was made after careful consideration of the law.
Additionally, the state attorney general has refused to defend the ban due to its lack of constitutionality.
GLAAD will continue to support marriage equality efforts across the country and keep you updated.