Bridegroom, the award-winning documentary directed and produced by Linda Bloodsworth-Thomason (Designing Women), recounts the love story of Shane Bitney Crone and his partner Tom Bridegroom, and puts a spotlight on the discrimination faced by Shane in the wake of Tom's tragic death due to the lack of marriage protections for same-sex couples. Bridegroom is available in 44,000 Redbox kiosks across the country now. Watch the Bridegroom trailer below and check here to find Bridegroom at a Redbox near you!
The project started as a viral video Shane posted to YouTube, "It Could Happen to You," on the anniversary of Tom's death, which has since received over 4.5 million views. GLAAD previously spoke with director Linda Bloodworth-Thomason about Bridegroom, her series Designing Women and using television for social change and with Shane Bitney Crone about his life with Tom and his journey to make the film.
Bridegroom and Redbox have also generously decided that a portion of proceeds from Redbox rentals will be donated to several partnering LGBT organizations, including GLAAD. Be sure to pick up a copy at your nearest Redbox kiosk!