We came a long way in 2013. But each gain highlights how much more work there is to do. GLAAD won't settle for marriage in a handful of states and a partially-lifted ban on gay Scouts. There is much further to go, and GLAAD is going to help our culture get there. Take a look:
Building on Transgender Advocacy
GLAAD will be expanding and building on our work for transgender visibility and advocacy. We will find new transgender spokespeople who can speak about their lives and raise the profile of transgender people everywhere. Whether talking about parenting, entrepreneurship, aging, or religion transgender people will share their lives in new and unique ways that break stereotypes and create understanding.
GLAAD will continue to work against violence against transgender people, and making sure that the victims of violence are treated with respect by the media. We will work with partners, family members, and friends to tell the stories of victims and call for a world where such brutal violence against transgender people doesn't take place.
Our campaign for transgender-inclusive healthcare will continue into the new year. The videos received over 100,000 views, educating people about the barriers transgender people face when trying to access health care, either by care providers, insurance companies, or programs like Medicaid. We'll continue to educate the public and call for policies that include transgender people.
Russia & the Olympics
GLAAD will focus on coverage of LGBT equality in Russia, specifically to NBC during the Olympics. We will continue to support global campaigns that give voice to Russian LGBT people, and create a platform for news and entertainment leaders to speak out in solidarity for LGBT Russians. We will invite LGBT athletes and entertainers to participate in Russian LGBT programs, festivals and events.
LGBT advocacy and presence in the sports world is quickly expanding, and GLAAD will be there to give support to LGBT athletes, call on leagues to support LGBT people, and provide positive media attention around LGBT inclusiveness in sports. The Gay Games are coming to Cleveland in August, GLAAD will call media attention to the games and the participating athletes. We'll be on the ground in Cleveland during the games. We will build partnerships with LGBT sports organizations for contacts within the professional sports world, for support of GLAAD's sports campaigns.
ENDA is still making its way through congress, and GLAAD will keep media attention on the bill and those who will be helped by the bill. We will continue to find and pitch the stories of real people who have been harassed or fired for being LGBT. We will maintain www.glaad.org/enda with FAQs about ENDA, as well as feature spokespeople, both experts and real people.
GLAAD is using its influence in the media to call attention to the problem of LGBT youth homelessness. The goal of the coalition is to get legislation in place that provides homeless youth resources that includes LGBT youth. GLAAD will work on awareness and media attention on LGBT homeless youth.
GLAAD is already offering support to proponents of a ban on so-called "ex-gay therapy" to minors in Minnesota, just like those passed in California and New Jersey. That trend is only going to continue across the country as more people learn the harms of such dangerous practices. GLAAD will continue to share information about the harms of such programs and the voices of survivors. We'll also call attention to the "ex-gay" leaders who are themselves denouncing such practices and programs.
And Spirit Day will be bigger and more purple than ever! We'll continue to ask students, parents, celebrities, networks, landmarks, sports teams, magazines, television shows, web sites, and blogs to go purple to oppose bullying and stand with LGBT youth on the third Thursday of October.
Commentator Accountability Project
The Commenetator Accountability Project will continue to expand: More anti-LGBT national leaders, more statewide anti-LGBT activists. We will also expand how we cover those on the list, including recent statements and asking such leaders if they continue to stand by their previous extremist statements.
GLAAD will identify and pitch LGBT and allied spokespeople to respond to claims that LGBT equality infringes on religious liberty. We will mobilize faith leaders to speak out against overly broad religious exemptions, both as bad policy and bad theology.
As more and more faith leaders speak up for LGBT equality, we will highlight these as voices that challenge the common perception that religion is opposed to LGBT equality. These voices will continue to speak out and reach out with a faithful message of love and inclusion.
If this seems ambitious, it is. We are not shrinking from the challenges ahead. Of course, we will continue with our ongoing work responding to defamation, our work with grassroots organizations, our work to bring LGBT stories.