Maulik Pancholy, an Indian American actor known for his roles on 30 Rock and Weeds announced on twitter his engagement on with Ryan Corvaia. The couple got engaged at the Taj Mahal after being together for 9 years.
“I just celebrated my nine-year anniversary with my partner,” he told OUT. “It feels like a nice time to be celebrating something like that, especially on the heels of the DOMA and Prop 8 decisions.”
Pancholy is of an Indian heritage where the movement for LGBT equality took a bad turn just last month. In December of 2013, India’s Supreme Court re-criminalized LGBT activity. Due to this decision, LGBT relationships are currently illegal.
“I am thoroughly disgusted and disappointed that the Supreme Court can be party to taking away the rights of a section of the country’s citizens,” Ashok Row Kavi, a veteran LGBT activist “India was being looked upon as a model for reform of the anti-sodomy law. This is a huge set back not just for the morale of the LGBT community but also a blow for India’s very successful fight against HIV.”
Due to the Supreme Court’s decision, LGBT activists protested against the ruling. Many gathered at the Jantar Mantar, New Delhi’s famous protest hub.Those gathered included not only members of the LGBT community but also citizens concerned about the human rights of their fellow LGBT citizens.
“This is not about homosexuality but about democratic rights,” said Samita Raj, a 19-year-old student at the protest. “And the right to be.”
We hope that Maulik Pancholy's engagement will promote de-criminalizing LGBT individuals in India. Congratulations to the happy couple.