We Happy Trans and This Is HOW are collecting nominations for the second annual Trans 100 list paying tribute to trans people and their positive, extraordinary advocacy. Make your voice heard and let them know who should be honored this year! Nominations close on Wednesday, January 15, at midnight PST.
Trans 100's website explains that the list "is intended as a resource guide and seeks to raise the visibility and awareness of advocates, activists, and those who do their best to improve the lives of trans people." In particular, it's meant to honor a diverse range of change-makers, from the widely renowned to the quietly powerful. The Trans 100 was created by Antonia D'orsay and Jen Richards.
The final 2014 list will be announced on March 31st, the International Trans Day of Visibility. The release will be celebrated with an event that will be broadcast online. The publication itself will also be available to the public on the internet.
The inaugural Trans 100 list was released last year and GLAAD co-sponsored its launch with This is HOW, Pierce Family Foundation, Orbitz.com, Kokumomedia, and Chicago House. Honorees included the likes of Laverne Cox, Janet Mock, GLAAD's Jenny Boylan, and Bamby Salcedo, just to name a few.
Have someone in mind? Here are the guidelines:
- Nominees must be living and currently working to improve the lives of trans people.
- Nominees can be working at any scale, locally, regionally, or nationally.
- We would like to see all parts of the country represented, and especially otherwise unsung or only locally known workers.
- We particularly encourage the addition of persons of color.
- Nominees must openly identify as Trans.
- They must have been living at least half the year 2013
"I am here tonight because of the 99 other names on the inaugural Trans 100 list and the unrecognized thousands who are not on this list whose quiet acts are changing lives," said Janet Mock, at the 2013 launch event. "They are the dream realized."
Remember, nominations close this Wednesday, January 15, at midnight PST. Be sure to submit your nominations by then! While you're at it, check out Trans 100 on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.
You can learn more about the process of creating the list here.