Today's top LGBT news headlines. For more news updated throughout the day, visit
Cameron breaks promise, UK will increase aid to Nigeria despite anti-gay law - Gay Star News
16 things you should know about the anti-gay situation in Nigeria - Towleroad
Russian "Scrubs" actor who wanted gay people burned in ovens resigns after backlash - Gay Star News
UN human rights chief condemns Nigeria's "draconian" anti-gay law - PinkNews
LGBT equality will lead to human extinction, according to FRC President Tony Perkins - The Huffington Post
WATCH: Right-winger claims "homosexuals already have full marriage equality" - The Advocate
America's first LGBT retirement community welcomes first residents - LGBT Weekly
Nigerian police accused of using entrapment and torture to identify and arrest gay men - PinkNews
Zimbabwe LGBT equality group GALZ wins High Court victory - Gay Star News
US District Court rules Oklahoma's ban on marriage equality is unconstitutional - Autostraddle
California trans student suspended following act of protest - The Advocate
As landscape shifts, New Jersey LGBT leader heading home to run Oklahoma group - BuzzFeed
VIDEO: Church loses 80 percent of congregation after driving out gay choral director - Towleroad
Indiana House erupts in laughter after lawmaker calls LGBT community "intolerant" - The Huffington Post
Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney engaged to partner - The Advocate
First grader prompts Cumberland schools to address gender identity - The Huffington Post
Maryland transgender equality bill introduced - Washington Blade
Poll: Utah residents evenly split on marriage equality but strongly support civil unions - PinkNews
Houston Gaymers the largest gay gaming group in the country - Towleroad
New York, Minnesota consider banning "ex-gay" therapy - The Advocate
Dear Oklahoma and Utah: "Karma's a b****. Love, California" - The Huffington Post
When will non-transgender people wake up to themselves? - The Huffington Post
Why do I stay in the United Methodist Church? - Washington Blade
Coming out about rape and crisis connections - The Huffington Post
Positively bi: gender differences in stigma against people who are bi - The Huffington Post
Star Trek actor Chris Pine calls Russian anti-gay law "clearly awful, archaic, hostile nonsense" - PinkNews
Queen to release new track featuring vocals of Freddie Mercury - PinkNews
9 reasons you need to start watching "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" - The Huffington Post
10 things we learned about HBO's Looking - Out
Sailor Moon reboot likely to feature LGBT characters - The Advocate
Mayor of Sochi's Olympic Village defends Russia's anti-LGBT law - BuzzFeed
British footballer Liam Davis decides to come out as gay at the beginning of his career - Gay Star News
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