Yesterday, thousands of people threw stones at the Shariah court in Nigeria to speed up the trails and eventual executions of 11 men who served as members of LGBT organizations.
Just several days before those men were arrested, Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan signed a bill that criminalizes being gay or an ally to the LGBT community. The penalties under the bill include banning marriage equality and up to 14 years in prison for LGBT couples' "amorous relationships," as well as for being a member of a pro-LGBT group.
According to a news item posted by Joe.My.God.:
Thousands of protesters threw stones into the Shariah court in a north Nigerian city Wednesday, urging the speedy convictions and executions of 11 men arrested for belonging to gay organizations. Security officials fired into the air to disperse protesters in Bauchi city so the accused men could be safely returned to the prison. Judge El-Yakubu Aliyu closed the court abruptly. "No one can be sentenced to death until confirmed without a reasonable doubt," Aliyu said in response to calls for the men's execution...The state of Bauchi has parallel civil and Sharia courts. The sodomy law stipulates that the death penalty can be carried out by public stoning or lethal injections.
You can read the full story here.