The MTV Canada comedic talk show 1 Girl 5 Gays confirmed this weekend that co-host Matthew Santos had passed away at age 28. They wrote on the series' Facebook page:
"It is with profound sadness that we share in the sudden passing of Matthew Santos. As a colleague and friend to MTV, Matthew was a generous, kind, and spirited individual of whom we will always hold wonderful memories. As part of the cast of 1 girl 5 gays, Matthew embodied a bold originality and fearless individuality so rarely seen, but so greatly appreciated. Through his honesty and candor, he bravely demonstrated the importance of living life on your own terms. Matthew shunned the ordinary, and because of that, became extraordinary. How very lucky we all are to have known him. Our deepest condolences go out to his family, friends and boyfriend Taurel."
The show aired on Logo in the United States. Matthew, better known to fans as Santos, was known for his catchphrases on the show and going the extra mile for a laugh. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this time.