Today's top LGBT news headlines. For more news updated throughout the day, visit
Magazine editor comes out as lesbian at Taiwan's parliament - Gay Star News
Gay people fleeing Uganda face attacks in refugee camp - Gay Star News
Gambian President Yahya Jammeh: Gay people are "vermin" and should be treated worse than mosquitoes - PinkNews
Pussy Riot members arrested in Sochi, authorities won't say why - Queerty
Tennessee drops "turn away the gays" ahead of Senate vote - PinkNews
Supporters rally for trans equality in Maryland - Washington Blade
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's latest move will infuriate Michigan's LGBT community - The Huffington Post
Colorado legislature approves joint tax filing for gay couples - Towleroad
Body of missing gay FSU student Ryan Uhre discovered in abandoned building - Queerty
Indiana Senate advances bill to ban marriage equality - PinkNews
Catholic priest accused of refusing to perform last rites to man after finding out he is gay - Gay Star News
Gay couples sue to have rest to Kentucky's marriage ban overturned - Gay Star News
Ohio gay couple sues after being denied Obamacare coverage - The Huffington Post
The 25 best colleges and universities for LGBT students - BuzzFeed
An open letter to Perez Hilton from a "real" gay dad of New York - OUT
Quick hit: Happy birthday to Audre Lorde! - Feministing
The 10 greatest transgender models - OUT
The biggest issue facing LGBT community today - The Huffington Post
Michael Sam, Michael Morones, and the problem of gender in America - The Huffington Post
Here's why LGBT people should be talking about net neutrality - Autostraddle
WATCH: Janet Mock appears on the Colbert Report - Elixher
VIDEO: American Idol's first openly gay contestant MK Nobilette stuns with opening performance - Towleroad
Patrick Stewart has an awesome response to being "outed" as gay by The Guardian - The Huffington Post
Julianne Moore to play Ellen Page's lesbian partner in new film - Gay Star News
Sundance 2014 was the gayest most gay Sundance ever - Autostraddle
Anne Rice supports Ellen Page, takes bit out of page's critics - The Advocate
Angel Haze releases new video "Battle Cry" - Elixher
Jill Soloway on bringing LGBT topics and characters to television and the web with "Transparent" - After Ellen
Sugarland's Jennifer Nettles wants to hurry along Country music's acceptance of gay people - Gay Star News
Charles Barkley: The whole "locker room discussion" is "an insult to gay people" - Queerty
NFL quarterbacks Colin Kaepernick and Cam Newton won't tolerate homophobia - Queerty
IOC defends removal of trans MP for rainbow protest - The Advocate
Former Ireland rugby star sorry for saying gay people have no interest in sport - Gay Star News
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