A new ABC-Washington Post poll has revealed continued increases in support for marriage equality, legal adoption, and protections for LGBT people.
59% of those surveyed support marriage equality, with only 41% opposed. Additionally, in the 33 states that ban marriage equality, 53% of people support allowing marriage equality, perhaps setting the stage for a continued overturn of those bans.
In recent weeks, several states have attempted to pass "license to discriminate" bills, like the one vetoed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. However 7 out of 10 people say that business should not be allowed to refuse services to LGBT people.
61% supported adoption by LGBT people, which has risen from 49% in 2006.
Washington Post columnist Johnathan Capehart noted that this polling data means that the judicial system is not guiding public opinion, but rather lagging behind. "With all the federal court cases challenging and overturning state constitutional bans against same-sex marriage, the likelihood of the high court getting a case that asks the much-anticipated question of whether there is a right to same-sex marriage under the Constitution is extremely high. And when that happens, Ginsburg and the other justices needn’t worry about moving too far too fast. If anything, they would be catching up with the rest of the country."
See the full results at the Washington Post.