Screen Gems has signed on to distribute the live action film adaptation of Playstation 3 video game The Last of Us from Naughty Dog. The game follows hardened survivor Joel who teams with a young but capable girl named Ellie as they journey through a world left ravaged by pandemic 20 years previously. Ellie has a romance with another female survivor, Riley.
“Screen Gems’ Brian Dukes and Eric Ling brought this game to my attention insisting we go after it, and when I saw the quality of the storytelling, I knew the audience for this project was far greater than just the gaming community and that Neil Druckmann must write the screenplay,” Screen Gems president Clint Culpepper said. “I am thrilled that SCEA’s Riley Russell was able to get me in front of Neil and Evan Wells to plead my case. Sam and his team at Ghost House round out the perfect team to help realize Neil’s vision.”
Naughty Dog Co-president Wells called the combination of Screen Gems and Ghost House “a perfect fit. Since our game released last June, we’ve talked with many companies about making a film, but we couldn’t have found better partners who share our creative vision and high standards.”