Today's top LGBT news headlines. For more news updated throughout the day, visit
Cameroon lawyer honored for work on LGBT equality - Gay Star News
Gay people in Crimea split on referendum - The Huffington Post
White House petitioned to legally recognize non-binary genders - The Huffington Post
Catholics oppose marriage equality "out of love," claims UK bishop - Gay Star News
Homophobe mom who punched gay son in face in front of police fined by Scottish court - Gay Star News
Petition started to challenge blood donation rules for gay men - PinkNews
Anti-LGBT job discrimination extends to benefits, salaries and promotions, say transgender experts - The Huffington Post
Israeli parliament outlaws LGBT discrimination in schools - Gay Asia News
Marylanders favor trans equality: poll - Washington Blade
Habitat for Humanity of Washington, DC to hold first ever Rainbow Build event - LGBT Weekly
Illinois candidate who blames autism and tornadoes on LGBT equality wins primary - Gay Star News
Dem Attorney General on marriage equality decision: "I wanted to be on the right side of history" - The Huffington Post
Woman of first Illinois married gay couple dies aged 65 - PinkNews
Record number of LGBT candidates on DC primary ballot - Washington Blade
Kentucky recognition of marriage equality on hold during governor's appeal - BuzzFeed
Bill Donahue wants to march under "Straight is Great" banner in NYC Pride Parade - BuzzFeed
Stand by me: Historically black churches and LGBT allyship - Autostraddle
5 shocking realities of being transgender the media ignores - The Huffington Post
We should pay attention to LGBT people hurt by the God Hates F**s church, not its dying leader - PinkNews
Cutting foreign aid won't defeat anti-gay laws in Africa and Latin America - Towleroad
What my '90s childhood and popular LGBT idols have in common - The Huffington Post
This is what sex ed looks like in my queer feminist utopia - Autostraddle
For God so loved the gays: local believers see their faith and LGBT fairness as one and the same - Leo Weekly
Fans had a complete meltdown over the Brittany and Santana moments on "Glee" - BuzzFeed
Laverne Cox refused to play along with TV's "angry black woman" stereotype - The Huffington Post
Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin leading new Netflix comedy series - Instinct
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