It's Bisexual Health Awareness Month, brought to you by the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC). This year's theme, "Bi the Way, Our Health Matters Too!", addresses disparities in physical and mental health facing the bisexual community. Created by the US' oldest nationally-focused bi organization, Bisexual Health Awareness Month is the first social media campaign to address this topic.
The month kicked off with a look at "Mental Health & Biphobia," including the top 10 health concerns for people who are bi, followed by "Sexual Health" and "Nutrition & Movement." Now, BRC is closing out the month with a look at "Sexual Assault & Intimate Partner Violence."
On their website, BRC provides research and resources on the topic, such as a CDC national survey on intimate partner and sexual violence, an info sheet from the Network la Red titled "Does your partner blame it on your bisexuality?...It could be partner abuse" (also available in Spanish), and guidelines from Fenway Health on how you can help a friend. Also featured are links to the Stalking Resource Center and the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women. An article called "If You're Not Straight, You're at Higher Risk for Domestic Violence" and additional bi-specific links are included as well.
Assault and interpersonal violence can be traumatic experiences, and require a strong support system to overcome. It also takes courage to remove oneself from a trouble relationship. According to Fenway Health, survivors leave their abusers an average of 7-11 times before ending the relationship permanently. Included in group's detailed guide on how to be an effective source of support are five things to say to a survivor when they can't leave:
- I am here for you and will support you no matter what,
- I am afraid for your safety
- I am afraid for the safety of your children
- It will only get worse
- You don't deserve to be abused
Here's a look at part of Network la Red's info sheet:
Learn more about the bisexual community by following the Bisexual Resource Center's twitter account, @BRC_Central. You can contribute to the conversation all month long using #bihealthmonth and by following updates on Facebook.