The Maryland House of Delegates passed a bill that would ban discrimination against transgender people. It was passed by the Maryland Senate in January, and is expected to be signed by Governor Martin O’Malley in the coming weeks.
The vote caps off an eight year effort to add gender identity and expression to Maryland’s anti-discrimination act.
The House in 2011 approved an anti-trans discrimination bill that did not contain protections in public accommodations. The Maryland Senate earlier this month passed a measure approved SB 212.
The House Health and Government Operations Committee on Tuesday approved a nearly identical bill to SB 212 that state Del. Luke Clippinger (D-Baltimore City) introduced.
“I’m thrilled that we’ve been able to accomplish another big victory for fairness and equality in the state of Maryland,” Madaleno told reporters after the vote. “Tt’s remarkable how far we’ve come in such a short period of time.”
“It took eight years, and a great deal of tenacity, perseverance, patience and skill, but today the Maryland transgender community can celebrate its equality, and feel like full partners in the LGBT community,” added Gender Rights Maryland Executive Director Dana Beyer. “Maryland joins with seventeen states, DC and Puerto Rico in providing comprehensive LGBT equality.”
Read the Washington Blade for the full story.
Congratulations to transgender Marylanders!