"It's just not normal and then you glorify, or it seems to me, that the promotion at USC Upstate is a glorification of same-sex orientation. That's not an explanation of 'I was born this way.' That's recruiting," said South Carolina state Senator Mike Fair (R), commenting on a segment of University of South Carolina Upstate's upcoming LGBT symposium. The one-woman show, satirically titled "How to Become a Lesbian in 10 days or Less," has been cancelled.
Think Progress reported that the performance by Leigh Hendrix "bills itself as an 'exploration of self-discovery and first love, coming out, lesbian sex, queer politics, and a really important Reba McEntire song.'"
Assistant Vice Chancellor for USC Upstate Communications Tammy Whaley explained the decision to cut "How to Become a Lesbian in 10 days or less" in a statement: "The controversy surrounding this performance has become a distraction to the educational mission of MUSC Upstate and the overall purpose of the Bodies of Knowledge symposium. As a result, we have canceled this segment of the symposium."
“Diversity is diversity. And we can't just say we are going to choose this part of diversity, but we're not going to choose this part of diversity. Then what's next? Are we going to cut out women's studies? Racial integration?” Gail Stephenson, president of Upstate Pride, said to WYFF 4, South Carolina's local NBC affiliate.
Just last month, the state House of Representatives voted to cut more than $17,000 from the same school for requiring students to read a book about South Carolina's first gay-themed radio show. Senator Fair, as well as Senator Lee Bright (R) voted against every one of the university's incumbent trustees at last week's board elections in response to the symposium.
Watch below as Butchy McDyke, the main character "How to Become a Lesbian in 10 days or Less," respond Sen. Fair's claim and the university's decision to cancel the show: