Only one day left to make use of the 2-for-1 discount code** for the Lesbians Who Tech Summit New York, which runs from June 19-22.
Lesbians Who Tech—"a Community of Queer women in or around tech (and the people who love them)"--has hosted a previous summit in San Francisco. Come June, though, the first NYC Summit will feature keynotes, panel discussions, and a hackathon, as well as themed brunches, parties, and receptions.
GLAAD's CEO and President Sarah Kate Ellis will be a featured speaker at the event. GLAAD is also one of the Summit's partner organizations.
Along with Sarah Kate, speakers will include J. Bob Alotta (Executive Director, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice), Kathryn Finney (Managing Director, digitalundivided), Samhita Mukhopadhyay (Former Executive Editor,, Natalia Oberti Noguera (Founder & CEO, Pipeline Fellowship), Leanne Pittsford (Founder, Lesbians Who Tech), Geena Rocero (Founder, GenderProud), and Sara Sperling (Diversity & Inclusion, Facebook). You can read their bios here.
**The discount code expires at noon on Friday, May 2. Here's the code: LWTNY2FOR1
And here's how you use it: Go to, scroll to the ticket form. Right above the "Order Now" button, click the link that says "Enter Promotional Code" (see example). Add the code and click "Apply". Then select two tickets and complete the registration.
Lesbians Who Tech aims to build visibility and the numbers of queer women in technology while also strengthening the network among them and their organizations.
To get ready for the big event in June, you can start tweeting now using #lwtsummit. You can also find the organization at @lesbianteach.
Throughout May, there will also be Lesbians Who Tech Happy Hours in Chicago, San Francisco, and Portland.
See you there!