Wonder what we’re up to at GLAAD?
Be sure to check out GLAAD's Blog each week for updates about our latest work to build support for LGBT equality through news, entertainment, and online media.
Over the past month, GLAAD staff, including three of its transgender staffers, met with over 30 senior executives at MSNBC, NBC News, Bravo, and Oxygen, and with NBCUniversal's Chief Diversity Officer, for a discussion about fair, accurate, and inclusive media representations of transgender people in both news and entertainment. GLAAD also spoke with executives from the Human Resources department to cover issues related to creating an inclusive workplace for transgender employees. With the journalists, GLAAD pointed out ways in which news coverage could begin to move beyond some of the clichés often seen in even the best coverage, such as "before and after" pictures of transgender people, and questions about medical procedures. GLAAD also pitched several story ideas about issues important to the trans community. In the meeting with Bravo and Oxygen staffers, GLAAD presented a brief history of transgender people who have appeared in reality television, and encouraged both networks to find ways to incorporate transgender people into their current and upcoming shows. Feedback from the meetings was positive and we look forward to working with these networks to ensure that more transgender voices are included in their programming.
GLAAD's Spanish-language media strategist Janet Arelis Quezada gave a talk last week during the 8th Annual Forum on Human Rights and Sexual Diversity in the Dominican Republic, made possible in part with the support of the US State Department. Politicians, union members and others sectors of civil society were part of 10 workgroups of more than 100 attendees who worked to address discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Dominicans, including challenges in the workplace, public spaces, family life, and the health sector. Janet also published a piece in The Advocate about her experience as a Dominican woman and addressed criticism from an evangelical leader, who recently discounted the hard work and longevity of the Dominican LGBTI rights movement.
GLAAD reached out to South Florida media outlets to correct reporting about a transgender woman who was found murdered in Fort Meyers. We shared our report "Doubly Victimized" to share best practices in reporting on transgender victims of violence. Outlets are using our resources to correct reporting that has already gone out, and changing how the story is told going forward. Read more.
GLAAD spread the word about the lawsuit that was filed on behalf of two transgender women who have been denied access to medically necessary healthcare under a discriminatory Medicaid regulation. "Denying New Yorkers equal access to the healthcare they need -- simply because of who they are -- isn't just discriminatory, it's dangerous," said GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. "The New York I call home is one where everyone should be welcome and treated equally – period." Read more.
When the Presbyterian Church (USA) approved a motion to make language about marriage more inclusive of gay and lesbian couples at its General Assembly last week, GLAAD worked closely with More Light Presbyterians to break the news and bring it to the nation's attention. GLAAD will also be highlighting the successes of Alex McNeill, the first trans leader of a mainline faith-based LGBT organization, in working to bring LGBT equality to PC(USA). Read more.
When Jason Hanna and Joe Riggs, gay fathers in Texas, were denied paternal protections over their own twin sons, GLAAD and the couple teamed up to raise awareness about equality for LGBT families. GLAAD taught Jason and Joe best media practices; shared their story with national, local, LGBT, and mainstream media outlets; and have worked behind the scenes to advocate for their family. Their family's story was heard everywhere from MSNBC, to Sirius XM, to the Huffington Post, to the New Civil Rights Movement. Read more.
GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis presented at Lesbians Who Tech's first-ever New York Summit for queer women in technology and their allies. She spoke about GLAAD's use of technology and media to make LGBT equality a reality. Additional members of GLAAD's team attended the summit and live-tweeted using #lwtsummit.
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