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Be sure to check out GLAAD's Blog each week for updates about our latest work to build support for LGBT equality through news, entertainment, and online media.
GLAAD reached out to Univision as well as ESPN regarding anti-gay language during World Cup. Chants that include homophobic words unfortunately became part of the coverage fans around the world heard and saw, so GLAAD urged both networks to speak out against the hurtful messages and voice messages of support for LGBT fans during World Cup broadcasts. Following work with GLAAD, both ESPN and Univision agreed to help, so they both broadcasted anti-discrimination statements during the Mexico vs. Netherlands elimination match, which broke records for ratings for Univision according to Variety with 10.4 million viewers. Read more!
GLAAD worked with Instagram to launch the first ever #PridePortraits campaign, encouraging Instagram users to show the world what makes them proud. Users shared their Pride stories and photos on the #PridePortraits hashtag and three lucky Instagrammers got behind-the-scenes access to NYC Pride, including the legendary Dance on the Pier featuring Demi Lovato. The campaign was a resounding success not only because celebrities like Demi Lovato, Laverne Cox, and George Kotsiopoulos participated, but because it bridged the gap between individuality and community, showcasing the rich diversity of LGBT people and their families. See more #PridePortraits here.
GLAAD's Spanish-language team placed a great op-ed about the inclusive struggle for immigration reform from ally and activist Lizeth Chacon in Voces, an imprint of the Huffington Post. The President recently asked his cabinet to propose ways he could act on comprehensive immigration reform in the face of House inaction. In the meantime, undocumented immigrants (both allied and LGBT) are detained, or work and live in the shadows. Read more.
GLAAD's Special Projects Coordinator and curator of the Commentator Accountability Project, Jeremy Hooper, recently talked to CNN about how being a parent has changed his life, and perhaps even his brain activity. The report, titled "Dads' brains are ready to bond with kids" talked about a recent study showing that the brains of highly involved dads are very similar to those of mothers during pregnancy. Read more.
GLAAD National Spokesperson Wilson Cruz appeared on Bent Lens: Pride on Screen-- an event series hosted by Toronto International Film Festival and Inside Out LGBT Film Festival-- as part of a continued celebration of Toronto's WorldPride. Part of this programming initiative was Wednesday's live question and answer session "In Conversation With" Orange is the New Black actress Laverne Cox in which she discusses her TIME Magazine cover and accepting herself as a trans woman. Read more.
Rich Ferraro, GLAAD's Vice President of Communications and Programs, recently spoke to NPR about ongoing changes in advertisements targeting LGBT people and how the advertising industry has started to "come out of the closet." Along with Robert Klara, a staff writer at AdWeek, we focused on the shift in brands that now include LGBT images in their ads. Read more.
GLAAD reached out to local Cincinnati media outlets regarding the story of a transgender woman of color, Tiffany Edwards, who was murdered in late June. GLAAD particularly noted the potential for "trans panic" narratives in stories like this, and urged the media to refer to our resource guide for reporting on transgender victims of crime. Read more.
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