Countless families across the tri-state area are trying to restore a sense of normalcy to their lives in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. While the super storm destroyed homes across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, it also destroyed many polling places resulting in changes by the local boards of elections.
For information about crucial ballot initiatives that need your support visit
New York Information:
County Board of Elections Poll Site Changes due to Hurricane Sandy or call 1-855-NYS-SANDY (1-855-697-7263)
Governor Cuomo also signed an Executive Order allowing registered voters who are residents in the federally-declared disaster counties of Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk, Westchester and of New York City (which includes Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens and Richmond) who have been displaced by Hurricane Sandy:
1. To vote an affidavit ballot at any poll site in New York State, other than their regular poll site;
2. Every Board of Elections in the State shall transmit the completed affidavit ballot of any voter who resides in one of the above counties to the Board of Elections where such voter is registered to vote to be canvassed;
3. The affidavit ballot can only be canvassed for such contests for which the person was entitled to vote at such election.
Extension of Absentee Ballot Receipt Deadline
The State Board of Elections has approved an extension of the deadline for absentee ballots to be received and counted from 7 days after Election Day to 13 days after Election Day. Ballots must still be postmarked no later than Monday, November 5th, however they now have until November 19th to arrive at the local Board of Elections
New Jersey Information:
To vote electronically, displaced voters may submit a mail-in ballot application either by e-mail or fax to their county clerk. Once an application is approved, the clerk will electronically send a ballot to the voter by either fax or e-mail in accordance to the voter’s preference. Voters must return their electronic ballot – by fax or email – no later than November 6, 2012, at 8 p.m.
Voters can download a mail-in ballot application for their county by visiting A list of county clerk websites, phone numbers and fax numbers are available by visiting
The deadline for county clerks to receive mail-in ballots has been extended to November 19, 2012, for any ballot postmarked on or before November 5, 2012. Mail-in ballots post marked later than November 5 will not be accepted.
(Via NJ Department of State)
Connecticut Information:
Change of Polling Place Locations for November 6, 2012 Election
(Via CT Secretary of State)
If you need need help finding your polling place, enter your address into app below.