Last week, TransTech Social Enterprise (TTSE), announced the launch of their tech focused training and apprenticeship program for the LGBT community with a focus on trans identified individuals. The venture will have two components: the Training Academy with workshops focusing on professional development and the TransTech Apprenticship Program which is a creative design firm that offers a graphic design and web development apprenticeship.On July 20th, TransTech will host a free orientation in Chicago, where it's based, to introduce these programs to the community. The orientation will go through a model workshop following their TTSE signature structure of empowerment, education, and employment.
"At TransTech, our programs aim to equip people with a technical skill set for survival," says CEO Angelica Ross. " We start with entry level skills and build on those to increase an individuals experience and proficency in an increasingly technological job market."
The goal of TransTech is to start to increase the number of educated, empowered, and employed transgender people. The program is open to the entire LGBT community but will focus on facing the highest level of discrimination. Starting with the July 20th orientation, they will offer their "e3 workshop" , a customizable for those interested in economic empowerment. The workshop's goal is to improve resume writing, developing interview skills and a seminar on how to return to school.
Go to transtechsocial.org for more info.