A new fictional dramatic web series called "Camp Abercorn," currently in the works, will shine a light on the experience of being part of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), and reflect on the BSA's policies on LGBT exclusion. The independent web series will follow the staff at a fictional summer camp for the Compass Guides of America, an organization mirroring the BSA.
At Camp Abercorn, nestled deep in the Rocky Mountains, the young men will develop as leaders, or Compass Guides, while learning and growing away from the pressures of school and work. The show's creator, Jeffrey Simon, wanted to share the power of BSA as an organization that has an unparalleled model for teaching leadership skills to the young boys of America.
The series will contain a storyline focusing on the BSA's discriminatory policy towards LGBT people, and the need for this organization to produce men who treat everyone equally regardless of gender or sexual orientation in this day and age. Although the BSA lifted its ban on gay scouts last year, LGBT adults remain barred from participating as leaders and mentors.
Creator Jeffrey Simon, who was an active Eagle Scout member until he came out as gay at 19, told The Huffington Post that despite the Boy Scouts' history of LGBT exclusion, the organization taught him "how to be gay." He said:
"I learned to voice my opinion strongly while respecting the positions of others. I learned to be self-reliant. I was surrounded by friends – brothers – who taught me when to speak with my heart and when it was best to keep my mouth shut."
The focus on the potential for full LGBT inclusion will be just one of many storylines that occurs in this series. The show will follow all of the ups and downs of the camp staff in their free time during the summer. Brad Leland, best known from his roles in NBC's Friday Night Lights, HBO's Veep, and most recently HBO's new series The Leftovers, will executive produce and star in "Camp Abercorn."
The team has launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise the funds to produce seven 30-minute episodes.
Watch the trailer here: