The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday ruled that Virginia's ban on marriage for same-sex couples is unconstitutional. In the decision, Judge Henry Floyd wrote, “We recognize that same-sex marriage makes some people deeply uncomfortable. However, inertia and apprehension are not legitimate bases for denying same-sex couples due process and equal protection of the laws.”
LGBT organizations responded on Twitter:
Federal appeals court strikes down Virginia marriage equality ban via @BuzzFeed@chrisgeidner#LGBT
— GLAAD (@glaad) July 28, 2014
BREAKING: 4th Circuit ruling overturns the Virginia marriage ban. Stay tuned for more info. #Gay#lgbt
— freedomtomarry (@freedomtomarry) July 28, 2014
Breaking: Federal appeals court strikes down Virginia's ban on #marriage#equality. #LGBT
— NCLR (@NCLRights) July 28, 2014
BREAKING: Court strikes down #Virginia’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples.
— ACLU LGBT (@ACLULGBT) July 28, 2014
BREAKING: 4th Circuit Court strikes down marriage bans in VA, WV, NC, SC
— AmericanEqualRights (@AFER) July 28, 2014
BREAKING: 4th Circuit strikes down #Virginia’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples. Stay tuned for more info. #LGBT#LoveUnitesUS
— Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) July 28, 2014