Today's top LGBT news headlines. For more news updated throughout the day, visit
Gay-rights groups dispute federal survey’s estimate of population– The Washington Post
Marriage equality marches toward the Supreme Court– MSNBC
Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus Calls For Inclusive Immigration Reform After Sit-In By Activists– BuzzFeed LGBT
Uganda Anti-Gay Law Struck Down by Court– The New York Times
Daily Mail mocked for misleading ‘sperm bank for lesbians’ claim– Pink News UK
State gay marriage bans face largest attack yet– USA Today
Iranian transgender refugee struggles for acceptance– CBC News
Transgender person's claim for female state pension rejected by appeal court– The Guardian
Broward judge to rule on Florida’s gay marriage ban and lesbian’s divorce– The Miami Herald
Colorado AG expects fire from both sides in defending gay marriage ban– The Denver Post
Activists say transgender woman raped at Arizona immigrant center– Reuters
Fear and violence in transgender Baltimore: 'It's scary trusting anyone'– The Guardian
Stay Sought in Ruling on Va. Gay-Marriage Ban– Associated Press
New Report: High Rates of Discrimination Plague Bay State Transgender Residents– WGBH
Transgender Vets Want Army to Change Names– NBC 4 New York
A poet who spoke to the black gay experience, and a quest to make him heard– The Washington Post
Justice Kennedy Opened the Door to Same-Sex Marriage, Will He Walk Through Next?– The Daily Best
Anna Paquin sets Larry King straight on bisexuality: 'It doesn't really work like that'– The New York Daily News