Happy Birthday, Marsha! is a film project about the friendship between Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, two heroes of the Stonewall Riots and homeless trans women of color, and the decisions they made on a hot summer day in June, 1969 that pushed the LGBT movement forward. Filmmakers Reina Gossett and Sasha Wortzel say about their goal in making Happy Birthday, Marsha!:
We truly believe how we tell the stories of our heroes matters, so we are drawing upon our community to make this film because we have an opportunity to make a movie written, directed and produced by people living Sylvia & Marsha's legacy through our own work. It’s been 45 years since the Stonewall rebellion yet the leading role that street queens, trans women of color and gender non-conforming people had during the riots hasn't received the recognition it deserves. By making Happy Birthday, Marsha! we are seeking to change that, but we need your help to make it happen.
Their Kickstarter campaign has only 9 days to go to raise $12,000. Help support the film by donating and/or sharing here!
Watch the full campaign trailer video below.