Frontiers Media, the publishers of LGBT magazine Frontiers, have teamed up with Cobbstar Productions to create two more seasons of The Horizon, the most watched gay online series in the world. The Australian series will move production to Los Angeles and Jai Rodriguez (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy) has signed on to join the dramedy as an American pop star. This is Frontiers Media's first foray into online television, The Horizon just launched its fourth season in June.
“With its wholly original storyline, and huge American audience, ‘The Horizon’ was a natural fit for Frontiers Media's first move into online television,” said Michael Turner, CEO and founder of Frontiers Media. “The creators of the show have consistently raised the bar for the genre from season to season.”
“With our international success I always liked the idea of formatting the series in different countries,” added series producer Brian Cobb. “We'll develop American storylines and characters, and pepper these with our key Australian cast, as we explore the explosive gay scene around West Hollywood. Frontiers is the perfect partner to expand our American audience.”