Today is the first day of Transgender Awareness Week! Transgender Awareness Week (TAW) is a time for transgender people and their allies to take action and bring attention to this community through education and advocacy around the issues that transgender people face. TAW culminates with the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which honors those whose lives were lost to anti-transgender violence. Individuals, campuses and organizations around the country, including the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, will be participating in TAW and TDOR with various events centered on transgender lives and issues.
Fenway Health, an organization that works to improve the health and well-being of LGBT people, created a graphic to spread the work about Transgender Awareness Week and the Transgender Day of Remembrance. You can help build support for transgender people by sharing the graphic (above) widely on social media.
Find out more about how you can participate in Transgender Awareness Week and the Transgender Day of Remembrance.