Today, Christians across the internet are blogging their faith and their support for LGBT people through a synchroblog project organized by Justin Lee, the Executive Director of the Gay Christian Network. The synchroblog is timed to match the launch of Lee’s new book, TORN: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate.
Tired of politicized “debates” about the lives of LGBT people and Christians, Lee has attempted to take a middle approach. “This is an issue that is tearing apart families and damaging the reputation of Christianity. But as much as our culture talks about this issue, there’s very little actual conversation going on,” Lee claims.
Lee’s book, TORN, will reach those in both the Christian world, and those who are, know, or care for someone who is LGBT identified. It asks for people to examine assumptions and to have careful conversations with one another that seek to learn, instead of to “win”.
The synchroblog draws others into the same conversation. Bloggers are asked to write a blog post in favor of sanity and compassion in LGBT/Christian conversation. Several popular Christian bloggers are already participating, including Rachel Held Evans and Matthew Paul Turner.
As the country reflects on the successes of marriage equality campaigns, we are seeing that caring conversation is making a real difference. Many in Minnesota credited the defeat of the anti-marriage equality amendment partially on a campaign of conversations across the state. Just a year ago, GLAAD launched a Thanksgiving campaign “I’m Going to Let Aunt Betty Feel a Little Awkward This Thanksgiving” to encourage conversations around the Thanksgiving table.
Check out the posts that have been submitted so far at Justin Lee’s Tumblr. Share the best quotes or links to the blogs that speak best to your experience. Bloggers interested in joining the synchroblog can still offer submissions and join in the conversation.