Today's top LGBT news headlines. For more news updated throughout the day, visit
Slate's Dear Prudence tells bisexual reader to stay closeted - The Advocate
Two guys are traveling across the United States to photograph LGBT families and couples - BuzzFeed
Germany: Out Berlin mayor to stand down - PinkNews
UK: Motion to introduce gender neutral passports gains cross party support - PinkNews
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker rushing to reinstate voter ID law - The New Civil Rights Movement
Judges blast Indiana, Wisconsin marriage equality bans - The Huffington Post
Waiter fired for writing "f*****s" on receipt - Gay Star News
"Ex-gay" awareness summit set to converge on Washington DC - Towleroad
Anti-gay pastor and likely GOP congressman quotes gay icon, pretends Thomas Jefferson said it - The New Civil Rights Movement
5 ways to make your classroom LGBT inclusive - The Huffington Post
13 LGBT roles that didn't kill these A-list actors' careers - The Advocate
#27BiStories: When did you come out? What was the response like? - The Advocate
Michaelangelo Signorile: Burger King's "Proud Burger" is a tax evasion cover-up - Towleroad
Ryan Murphy asks young people to "become LArry Kramers" as he accepts Emmy for "The Normal Heart" - The New Civil Rights Movement
Eddie Izzard: Being attacked for being a transvestite has prepared me for politics - PinkNews
Black queer women win our hearts at Afropunk, on & off stage - Elixher
Straight hosts ask gay rapper shockingly ignorant questions - Queerty
Watch Laverne Cox's incredible response to misogyny, transphobia and racism - The Huffington Post
The 80 gayest moments on "Pretty Little Liars" - AfterEllen
Laverne Cox distances herself from controversial trans inmate - The Advocate
Lesbian "kiss" on Dr. Who stirs complaints and arouses support - Towleroad
Michael Sam bails out fan who placed major losing bet - Towleroad
ESPN covers when Michael Sam takes a shower - Gay Star News
Michael Sam's teammate mocks ESPN for sexuality coverage - PinkNews
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