Today's top LGBT news headlines. For more news updated throughout the day, visit
Community launches petition to #FreeEisha, black transgender woman - Elixher
Catholic schools firing lesbian teachers for marrying, buying homes, getting pregnant - The New Civil Rights Movement
Latin American, Caribbean LGBT advocates to attend Peru meeting - Washington Blade
Lebanon gays fear ISIS massacre - Gay Star News
Crimea "does not need gays," says most senior politician - PinkNews
Scotland: Equality lawyer criticizes "flawed" and "misleading" pro-independence LGBT paper - PinkNews
Mt Holyoke College is official trans friendly - TransGriot
Italian lesbian couple win right to legally adopt daughter - The Advocate
Uganda's anti-gay bill is back from the dead - Gay Star News
Black LGBT advocate arrested after distributing literature on voter's rights - PinkNews
Public school district cut ties with Gordon College over anti-gay stance - PinkNews
WATCH: Teen from disturbing video explains how it started - The Advocate
Lawyer who fought DADT killed in Seattle bike accident - The Advocate
Ban ends - NYC gay group to march in 2015 St. Patrick's Day Parade - The New Civil Rights Movement
Fighting for justice in Ferguson: One queer woan of color shares - Elixher
Transgender Buddhists on the battle to make their religion more inclusive - The Huffington Post
An open letter from a gay Christian pastor to my non-gay colleagues in ministry - The Huffington Post
20 amazing HIV+ gay men - Out
Watch these gay couples react to anti-marriage equality adverts - BuzzFeed
Laverne Cox joins MTV lesbian comedy "Faking It" - PinkNews
Sam Smith: I don't want to be a spokesperson for gay people - PinkNews
Top ten Brad Takei moments in the To Be Takei documentary - The Huffington Post
So You Think You Can Dance finally does romantic dance with same-sex couple - The New Civil Rights Movement
The worst cases of lesbian censorship in pop culture history - AfterEllen
"Tough Love," LGBT web series, engaged in new Kickstarter campaign - The Huffington Post
Lowell's synth-pop anthem "LGBT" sends message of love and acceptance - Autostraddle
A tomboy femme's dream come true: jewelry you'll actually want to wear - Autostraddle
Australian Football League backs marriage equality for Australia - Gay Star News
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