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Support LGBT Egyptians by blogging and tweeting #StopJailingGays


LGBT activists in Egypt are calling for assistance from the global community. Over the last year, Egypt has seen a brutal crackdown on LGBT people. The most recent story involves several men who appeared in an online video of a wedding ceremony between two men. Eight men were arrested in connection with the ceremony, and stood trial yesterday.

Scott Lively, has been working with LGBT advocates in Egypt, and directed us to message to a Facebook page, both in English and Arabic:

Since the Egyptian government is recently focusing its efforts on monitoring people's private lives whether in the bedroom or on their facebook accounts, and since the police instead of chasing terrorists are going after people for their sexual orientation and gender identity. From October 2013 until now, the police has arrested more than 80 people for the "crime" of being gay or transgender. Some of these people receive humiliating treatment including physical violence and rape threats inside detention.

The forensic medicine authority conducts anal examinations on these people which is considered sexual assault and a violation of human rights and medical ethics. 

They are sentenced for up to 10 years with charges of debauchery which is a vague word.

Because the media has been waging a sensational campaign against LGBT people in Egypt and violate people's privacy by publishing their names and photos.

because of all of this, on September 24 and 25 we will be tweeting and blogging using the hashtag
#ضد_حبس_المثليين which means Against the Jailing of Gays

Join us, invite your friends and raise your voices

Take Action:

On September 24 and 25, please blog and tweet using the hashtag #stopjailinggays. Of course, if you regularly write or speak in Arabic, blog or tweet in Arabic. 

September 23, 2014

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