Amazon has ordered a second season of its hit comedy Transparent. Created by Jill Soloway (Six Feet Under, United States of Tara), Transparent follows a Los Angeles family as Maura (Jeffrey Tambor) announces her transition to her kids and ex-wife (Judith Light). Her daughter Sarah (Amy Landecker) is a married woman who finds herself falling again for her college girlfriend Tammy (Melora Hardin). Gaby Hoffman and Jay Duplass round out the cast as Maura's other two children, Ali and Josh.
“We are absolutely thrilled that the response to Transparent has been so positive,” Amazon Studios vp Roy Price said in a statement. “Our goal is to create series that customers love, so it’s great to hear that Transparent has not only risen to the no. 1 series on Prime Instant Video, but that it’s deemed ‘binge worthy’ as well. Given all this great feedback, it only makes sense to bring the Pfeffermans back next year in season two.”
Read the entire on The Hollywood Reporter's website.