Both outside and inside the island, Puerto Ricans are reacting to Judge Juan Perez Gimenez' decision to dismiss the lawsuit brought by plaintiffs that wanted their marriages recognized in Puerto Rico.
"As a Puerto Rican, I know we are sensible, humane, inclusive and respectful people. We love our LGBT brothers and sisters and we stand with them in the struggle for equality and justice. No one should be denied the right to marry who they love because of who they are, or where they live. The road to equality is never easy, but as we have seen in New York and in states across the nation, it is a battle we must continue to fight and a battle we will ultimately win. This ruling will only further our resolve to stand up and fight for marriage equality in Puerto Rico and everywhere else where people are denied the right to marry who they love," said New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito:
The Judge's decision made discredited claims that opening up marriage to LGB couples would lead to sanctioning incest and polygamy.
"The nefarious and offensive judge Perez Gimenez does not represent the sentiments of the Puerto Rican people. We are an inclusive people [capable of] solidarity. We will win during the appeal. Equality is inevitable and unstoppable. Puerto Rico will be for all [of us.]," said Pedro Julio Serrano, an advocate who returned to the island to spearhead the fight for marriage equality.
A representative from Lambda Legal told newspapers they plan to appeal and so the case may now be heard in the First Circuit Court of Appeals.