Today is Election Day, and the polls are open! If you haven't voted yet, get out there to do it. Just take a look at who is encouraging you to come out and vote on social media.
Tmrw we do something many people in history only dreamed about-vote. Get out there. Make a difference #TurnOutForWhat
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) November 4, 2014
We vote-No excuses. That's how we stay in charge even when it may not feel like we are
— Lewis Black (@TheLewisBlack) November 4, 2014
Election day is today! #GoVote. It’s a big one. Questions? Visit or call 866 OUR-VOTE
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 4, 2014
Today is the day we change America! #GoVote! Get to the polls and bring five of your people with you!
— Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) November 4, 2014
Never stop caring! Apathy Kills via @go_vote
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) November 4, 2014
USA: Please #GoVote today. To find your polling place, visit
— The Black Keys (@theblackkeys) November 4, 2014
Check to find your polling station and learn what's on the ballot in your area. For more election related resources, visit