Tomorrow, December 10, 2014, a day designated as International Human Rights Day by the United Nations, The Daily Beast will host an unprecedented gathering entitled "Quorum: Global LGBT Voices". World's leading LGBT advocates and organizations will gather to highlight the struggles and triumphs of LGBT people worldwide.
The event will feature mainly global LGBT advocates and artists, among them a gay activist, public speaker, and the first person ever who came out publicly in Nigerian television Adebisi Alimi; Russian LGBT voice and one of the four activists arrested during the Sochi Olympic games Anastasia Smirnova; attorney-at-law, law lecturer, journalist, and one of the most prominent HIV/AIDS and LGBT advocate in Jamaica and Caribbean Maurice Tomlinson; co-founder of SANGRAM, an HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and support organization working with socially marginalized people in India Meena Seshu; a Cameroonian lawyer known for her advocacy towards decriminalization of homosexuality in Cameroon Alice Nkom; Malaysian transgender activist Nisha Ayub, St. Lucia's gay and human rights advocate Kenita Placide; a New York-based Indian writer and documentary filmmaker best known for the 2007 film A Jihad for Love which documented the lives of gay and lesbian Muslims Parvez Sharma; a forerunner of LGBT rights for over a decade and the founder of the LGBT webcast “Queer Comrades” in China Xiaogang Wei; Human Rights activist, photographer and curator Jabu Pereira who is focusing on LGBT issues in South Africa; and others whose identity was not yet disclosed for security purposes.
The event is organized by The Daily Beast and co-sponsored by GLAAD and other leading LGBT advocate groups and organizations. It will be a unique opportunity to hear a diverse range of LGBT advocates from around the world. The talks, interviews, and presentations will be available online. You can follow along the day on Twitter under the #quorum and on the web site