Wonder what we're up to at GLAAD? Be sure to check out GLAAD's Newsroom each week for updates about our latest work to build support for LGBT equality through news, entertainment and online media.
#5DaysOfEquality for Australia
GLAAD's internationally recognized #5DaysofEquality campaign ran from December 7-12 to remember the 31 couples who were married in Canberra, Australia, who then had their marriages invalidated by the Australian government. People across the globe united in solidarity and wished them a happy anniversary on social media using the hashtag #5DaysOfEquality. Some notable tweets came from George Takei, Shane Bitney Crone, Jennifer Knapp, Sarah Kate Ellis, and Omar Sharif Jr. These messages are being printed into cards, provided by Smudge Ink, and delivered to the couples to open where their reactions will be filmed. #5DaysofEquality was covered by numerous outlets including Mashable, BuzzFeed, NewNowNext, Good As You, PinkNews, Towleroad, Australian outlet Star Observer, Australian outlet Same Same, Brusells' HLNBE, and the San Diego Gay & Lesbian News (SDGLN), which also shared an interview, conducted by GLAAD's Director of Programs, Ross Murray, with the first same-sex couple to be married in Australia. GLAAD's work with Australia is part of the GLAAD Global Voices initiative, which further emphasizes the need for worldwide solidarity and equality. Read more here.
GLAAD releases guide to "Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Americans"
In collaboration with the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), Center for American Progress, and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), GLAAD released a new report, Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Americans. The report provided an overview of the burdens facing LGBT Americans both legally and culturally, and examined what has been done to ensure LGBT equality. The report categorized the road to equal opportunity for LGBT Americans into five main categories, including opportunities within the workplace, healthcare accessibility, marriage equality and parental restrictions, community safety, and military and public service. The report is an accessible way for LGBT people and their allies to understand what needs to be done to ensure equality, and it provides a road map to achieve these goals. Read the report here.
International advocates take over the New York Public Library
GLAAD partnered with The Daily Beast to present Quorum: Global LGBT Voices. The day-long gathering was held on International Human Rights Day, December 10, at the New York Public Library. The day featured prominent LGBT advocates from Jamaica, Cameroon, Russia, Nigeria, Malaysia, South Africa, and many more. The day also included US-based advocates, including GLAAD's President and CEO, Sarah Kate Ellis, who spoke on a panel about "levers of change." GLAAD's Video and News Strategist, Claire Pires, interviewed advocates from China, Cameroon, Nigeria, and South Africa as part of GLAAD's video series, GLAAD: All Access, which features interviews with newsmakers, hit-makers, and people making a difference. GLAAD's partnership with The Daily Beast for the event helped garner international contacts for the GLAAD Global Voices initiative to continue partnering with international advocates to further evoke change. Read more here.
Reuters examines best practices for LGBT coverage
GLAAD Vice President of Programs, Zeke Stokes, and Director of Programs, Ross Murray, met with writers and editors at the top newswire service, Reuters, to talk about best practices when reporting on issues important to the LGBT community. The day included a look at the terms and definitions included in the GLAAD Media Reference Guide, a review of previous Reuters coverage, and topics and story ideas for future reporting. This meeting further emphasized the importance for the media to be held accountable with accurate coverage.
LGBT year in review
Tumblr is highlighting GLAAD's post, "'But you don't look queer': students challenge stereotypes with viral campaign" as part of Tumblr's Year in Review, in which the social media channel "showcase[s]…the best stuff on the internet from 2014." GLAAD's Communications Manager, Alexandra Bolles, amplified the project by reaching out to one of the college students leading the campaign. The students brought attention to the everyday offenses that people, including LGBT young adults, encounter. Through GLAAD's Tumblr, the post has been shared around 160,000 times. Read more here.
GLAAD Tidings
The 17th annual GLAAD Tidings event, held on Sunday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in California, brought together the LGBT community for one final hurrah before ringing in the New Year to learn all about the amazing work GLAAD accomplished in 2014. The event helps fund GLAAD's work to amplify stories from the LGBT community that build support for equality. Comedienne Fortune Feimster hosted and singer/songwriter Eli Lieb treated the crowd to a special performance. The event was presented by Hilton, Ketel One Vodka, Southwest and Time Warner. Read more here.
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