The show "Al Rojo Vivo" recently profiled Marjorie Silva, the owner of Azucar Bakery and Peruvian Cafe in Denver, Colorado. Silva refused to write a message that essentially said "God hates gays" on a bible-shaped cake that was also to have on it a photo of two men holding hands with a large X over them.
She informed the client that she would not take part in sharing a homophobic message nor let anyone in her bakery do so either. Silva offered her client the ingredients so he could do it himself, but he refused. The customer, Bill Jack is the founder of Worldview Academy, an organization dedicated to Christian education. Jack filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of Colorado because he felt discriminated against.
Despite the investigation, Silva says she has received much support from the community. "Hopefully this brings a change in the world and generates something good for society," Silva said about the situation.