April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which is designed to raise awareness about sexual assault and how to prevent it.
According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, in 2013, “gay men, LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities of color, LGBTQ and HIV-affected youth and young adults, bisexual survivors, and transgender communities [are the] most impacted by intimate partner violence.” This is an issue rarely addressed within the community.
GLAAD joined the White House in support of the It's On Us campaign, an initiative aimed to address the culture of sexual violence and bring awareness to sexual assault. The campaign is a pledge to hold others accountable for their behavior, be respectful of other people's right to consent or not and to intervene before it happens.
GLAAD is proud to be a partner to It's On Us. Look out for more updates from us on Twitter and Facebook during Sexual Assault Awareness Month.