Ryan Andresen, the 18-year-old who was expelled from his local Boy Scout troop due to his sexual orientation, is scheduled to be honored by the California Assembly.
Ryan will be recognized on Monday by openly gay California Assembly Speaker John Perez, and will attend meetings with public supporters of the campaign such as Assemblywoman Karen Skinner, State Senator Leland Yee, and Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom.
Ryan was unfairly denied his Eagle Scout medal, despite having served the troop for more than 12 years, after completing every necessary requirement to become an Eagle Scout.
Karen Andresen, Ryan’s mother started a Change.org petition to garner support for her son and overturn the decision. She stated,
“My son Ryan is my hero. He’s so incredibly brave, smart, and talented. It hurts me so much to watch Ryan suffer for being who he is, because to me, he's perfect.” She continues, “Ryan has worked for nearly 12 years to become an Eagle Scout, and nothing would make him more proud than earning that well-deserved distinction.”
In October, Ryan delivered more than 400,000 Chnage.org petition signatures to Mt. Dialbo-Silverado Boy Scout Council in Pleasant Hill.
Ryan and his mom appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Watch the videos below!
In April, GLAAD first shared the story of Ohio mom Jennifer Tyrrell, who was ousted as leader of her son's Boy Scouts troop because she's gay. Since then, GLAAD has been working to get the Boy Scouts of America to end its long history of discrimination against LGBT youth and parents. Join us and take action!