This week, YouTuber Raymond Braun visited Washington, D.C., with fellow vlogger Aaron Rhodes to support the plaintiffs at the Supreme Court hearings for marriage equality.
In D.C., Braun gave his viewers a look at the LGBT support happening at the Supreme Court. As an Ohio native, Braun was especially passionate about meeting Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff in the Obergefell vs. Hodges case that was being heard. Also from Ohio, Rhodes offers his thanks to Obergefell for his work, and asks what advice he ask for LGBT teens. Obergefell responded, "Be who you are. Be true. Love yourself – that's where it starts."
Braun worked for years in both the YouTube and LGBT communities, working to continue to the growing relationship between online activists and the LGBT community. Braun recently launched his own YouTube channel, wanting to lend his voice to the online community that supports LGBT people and works toward growing a safe space of love and acceptance. Braun lets his viewers know that his channel will be "for anyone out there who feels isolated or lonely or like they don't fit in. I want you to know that you do fit in here."
Aaron Rhodes has also created a presence on YouTube through the support of the LGBT community. This past January, Aaron and his twin brother Austin posted a video of both of them coming out to their dad. The video garnered millions of views, earned the boys a spot on The Ellen Show, and created a fan base of over 300,000 subscribers.
Braun and Rhodes are both examples of how the online community can be a safe and accepting space for LGBT people. YouTube specifically has offered a voice to a number of communities, allowing creators and vloggers to share their stories and inspire positive changes in society. As seen through the #ProudToLove and #ProudToPlay campaigns, YouTube is dedicated to seeing these changes happen. Through this new medium, Braun can reach a wider audience and continue his work for LGBT equality.
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