Today the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) published its national report: Hate Violence Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and HIV-Affected Communities in the U.S. in 2014. This annual report on anti-LGBTQ violence and hate crimes is based on data from sixteen anti-violence programs in fourteen different states around the country.
The number of incidents involving anti-LGBTQ violence decreased thirty-two percent, from 2,001 incidents reported in 2013 to 1,359 incidents reported in 2014. While the document details an overall decrease in non-lethal violence against LGBTQ people, it also reports an eleven percent increase of homicides against LGBTQ people in 2014. Notably, the LGBTQ people who face the highest risk of homicide are transgender women, LGBTQ people of color and gay men.
In addition, the hate violence reported in 2014 disproportionately targeted transgender women, LGBTQ youth and people of color, HIV-affected youth and people of color, transgender people, transgender people of color and gay men.
NCAVP makes several suggestions in the report to help end violence and hate crimes against LGBTQ people, including abolishing the current anti-LGBTQ hate culture that exists, eradicating discrimination against LGBTQ and HIV-affected people, as well as offering anti-violence support and prevention programs.