Beyoncé is showing the world her support of the LGBT community and the nationwide marriage equality ruling! Decked out in rainbows, she dances to her song 7/11 and shows us how happy she is that #LoveWins!
Never Too Late! #LoveWins
Posted by Beyoncé on Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Beyoncé has spoken out in support of the LGBT community in the past too. In an interview with PrideSource she stated, "If anyone is brave and true to themselves, it's my gay fans. The amount of confidence and fearlessness it takes to do what maybe is not what your parents expect you to do or what society may think is different - to be brave and be different and to be yourself - is just so beautiful. It's the most beautiful thing you can be, and it's what we all want to be at the end of the day. And not worrying about satisfying or becoming what other people think you're supposed to be, that's like the ultimate dream - to just be that brave."
On Instagram, Beyoncé has told her almost 39 million followers that she supports marriage equality:
Beyoncé showed her support for Frank Ocean by posting the following image on her website:
In her song "I Miss You," she sings, "It don't matter who you are / It is so simple / A feeling / But it's everything / No matter who you love..." We are very happy that the superstar is expressing her support in every way!