The first gay male couple to have their wedding featured in JET Magazine appeared on MSNBC Tuesday to speak to host Thomas Roberts about the “exhilarating experience.” Dr. Ravi Perry and Paris Prince, who wed in an August ceremony at their Massachusetts home, reflected on the substantial progress that has been made in the marriage equality movement over the past decade. "I think Darwin would be amazed at the evolution that's occurring now," Prince said. In the interview, Roberts also asks the couple about other topics, such as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s recent comments concerning marriage equality, President Obama’s influence and changing stereotypes in the black community. See the video of the interview below:
GLAAD President Herndon Graddick recently commended JET for its inclusion of the couple, saying “This is yet another opportunity to applaud JET Magazine for continuing to highlight the diversity of the African-American community and to urge other media outlets to recognize that it’s these stories that help grow acceptance of our community and give a voice to LGBT people of color who are too often invisible in the media.” Coverage of their wedding announcement also spread to NPR, the Grio, and the Dallas Voice.