Tonight catch all new episodes of Top Chef and Happily Divorced.
What to Watch: Wednesday, December 26
10:00pm: Top Chef, Bravo (1 hr) NEW
In the quickfire challenge the chefs must harvest oysters and prepare and serve them for celebrity chef Emeril Legasse. The elimination challenge then forces contestants to cook for one of the biggest sports teams in Seattle under the pressure of Padma in roller skates and one chef that pushes everyone's patience. Watch a preview below.
10:30pm: Happily Divorced, TV Land (30 mins) NEW
Fran tries to give romance advice to a friend who is also engaged, but her help doesn't go over as well as she had hoped. Guest starring Cyndi Lauper. Check out a sneak peek below.
This morning and afternoon, check your local listings for information about Ellen, The Talk (CBS) and The Chew (ABC). Days of Our Lives on NBC (check local listings for time) features gay character Will as a series regular; keep an eye out for developments between Will and Sonny.
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GLAAD amplifies the voice of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively. By ensuring that the stories of LGBT people are heard through the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, increases acceptance, and advances equality. For more information, see,, and