Today in Mobile, Alabama gay and lesbian couples will take a stand for marriage equality as part of the WE DO Campaign, a strategy by the Campaign for Southern Equality, to encourage loving and committed couples in the south to request marriage licenses in order to call for full acceptance and recognition under state and federal law.
Earlier this week, five couples requested marriage licenses in Hattiesburg, Mississippi as part of the WE DO Campaign and were rejected. Watch their story here:
The WE DO Campaign is traveling travel across seven Southern states – Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia – and Washington, D.C.
According to the campaign: 38 couples in 10 cities across North and South Carolina have sought marriage licenses as part of the WE DO Campaign, with over 500 friends, family members and clergy standing with them in support. Media coverage of the WE DO has included the Winston-Salem Journal, video and article, CBS News and many other outlets. Learn more about the WE DO Campaign here.
Join the WE DO Campaign:
1) Send a message of support to the couples here.
2) To keep up-to-date with all the photos and videos of the couples like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
3) Support the WE DO Campaign with a tax-deductible donation.
4) Join us for a WE DO Campaign action.
The full schedule for Stage 4 is:
January 2 – Hattiesburg, Mississippi
January 4 - Mobile, Alabama
January 7 – Decatur, Georgia
January 9 – Morristown, Tennessee
January 11 – Greenville, South Carolina and Asheville, North Carolina
January 14 – Wilson, North Carolina and Winston-Salem, North Carolina
January 17 – Arlington, Virginia and Washington D.C.
On January 17, the final day of Stage 4, couples will be denied licenses in Arlington and we will begin a 4.5 mile march into Washington, DC. We will end at the Jefferson Memorial in an action that includes a blessing honoring the legal marriage under D.C. law of one couple from North Carolina, Mark and Tim. The final day of action is an expression of resistance to current laws and celebration of our community. The actions on January 17 are intended to highlight the lives and stories of LGBT people from across the South; the powerful reality that in our nation’s capital LGBT people have the right to marry; and the injustice that legal marriages between same-sex couples are not recognized in the South.