Author, professor and GLAAD board member Jennifer Finney Boylan is now a blog contributor to In a series called “Stuck In The Middle With You: Parenthood In Three Genders” – the same title as her upcoming book – Jennifer shares her experiences as a parent who is transgender and confronting new territory with her wife and two sons. Jennifer's book will be both a memoir and a collection of interviews with other authors on once being children and, for some of them, now being parents.
Jennifer's first blog for Psychology Today asks how her transition as a transgender woman has interacted with her family's dynamic, and what this says about the meaning of family. She writes:
"Some people might feel that the loss of gender as a well defined area of un-negotiable certainty destabilizes the culture, not to mention the lives of children. But it’s my feeling that embracing the wondrous scope of gender is to affirm the vast potential of life in all its messy, unfathomable beauty. And what greater celebration of life’s potentiality—and its messiness—is there than the family?"
In addition to her work as an author, Jennifer is an advocate for transgender equality and was featured in I AM: Trans People Speak campaign created by the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition and sponsored by GLAAD.
Jennifer's first memoir She's Not There, published in 2003 by Doubleday, was one of the first best-selling works by a transgneder American. She recently contributed a video to the We Happy Trans project, which shares the stories of transgender people's postivie expereinces.