After nearly a year-long campaign lead by GLAAD and Scouts for Equality and more than 1.2 million signatures on petitions, the Boy Scouts of America are finally considering whether it will end its ban on gay scouts and leaders.
Celebrities are joining GLAAD in urging the BSA to choose equality. Celebs like Neil Patrick Harris, Ellen DeGeneres and Martina Navratilova have taken to Twitter to show their support for ending the ban.
NPH urged his followers to call the BSA headquarters and tell the operator they support ending the ban.
Interesting: the Boy Scouts have created a line to call for your opinion on keeping the ban in place. CALL 972-580-2330 and affect change!
— Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) January 30, 2013
Ellen tweeted how proud she was of Ryan Andresen, a gay scout who spoke out after he was denied his Eagle badge.
The Boy Scouts are close to changing their policy. I'm so proud of Ryan Andresen. We can all make a difference.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 29, 2013
Martina tweeted back at GLAAD and said its “about time” the Boy Scouts considers changing the anti-gay policy.
@glaad about time:)!!!
— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) January 28, 2013
George Takei also posted a graphic on Facebook and urged fans to contact the BSA and tell them to end the ban.
Join NPH, Ellen, Martina and George and tell the Boy Scouts to lift the ban. The vote takes place in just a few days, so it is important that the BSA hears from you today!
1. Twitter
Click the button to post this tweet: Dear @BoyScouts, I support inclusive Scouting. End the ban on gay scouts and leaders. #BoyScouts
2. Facebook
Post a message of support on the Boy Scouts of America Facebook page. Example message: I think everyone should have the chance to take part in Scouting. I support an end to the ban on gay scouts and scout leaders.
3. Call
Call the BSA Headquarters at 972-580-2330 a representative will ask if you are for changing the policy to end the ban. Tell the representative you are FOR the policy change. (via Dallas Voice)
4. Email
Send an email directly to Boy Scouts headquarters, where BSA officials are waiting to hear your feedback: